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Get to know Leslie Foster

Photo Credit: Tanya Musgrave

Photo Credit: Tanya Musgrave

A Little About Leslie

Pronouns: he/him

H. Leslie Foster II is an experimental filmmaker who has lived in Los Angeles for a decade. As an artist, he strives to create work that is beautiful and uncomfortable. His love for storytelling is inspired by a childhood spent in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Thailand. His desire is to create art that constantly challenges power structures, amplifies those whose voices are so often unheard, and quietly subverts in ways that are aesthetically powerful. With over a twelve years spent as a professional filmmaker, he is happiest when applying his knowledge in collaboration with other artists in order to tell unique stories.

Since he graduated from Southern Adventist University in 2006, he’s shot music videos in Serbia, founded the 501(c)(3) Traveling Muse Pictures, spent five weeks undercover in Jamaica shooting a documentary about violent homophobia, gone to Burning Man seven times, and talked Vice Media into saying nice things about his art.

His first solo gallery show “Ritual Cycle,” was created with designer and composer Scott Arany and filmmaker Heather Dappolonia, who together form the collective Nomad Solstice. “Ritual Cycle” debuted in March 2016, followed by a second solo installation, “59,” for which he shot 11 films in 11 months with 11 different collaborators, that debuted in May 2017. “59” represented the completion of a year-long art residency with the non-profit Level Ground. He regularly contemplates fulfilling his childhood dream of finding a sea-faring band of vagabond artists with whom to run away. 


Contact Info

Tongva Land, Hollywood, CA

+ 1 323 326 0852